Privacy and data protection

§ 1 General

Your personal data (e. g. form of adress, name, address, electronic mail address, phone number, bank details, credit card number) will only be used in accordance with the regulations of the German data protective right. The following regulations inform you about kind, size and point of the elevation, processing and use of personal data. This data protection explanation only refers to our web pages. If you are passed on other sides via links at our sides, please take note about their respective dealing with your data.

§ 2 Inventorydata

  1. Your personal data , as far as those are required for the grounds, content arrangement or change of the contract relationship (inventory data) , is exclusively used for the processing of contract. So e. g. your name and your address must be passed on to the goods supplier to the delivery of the goods.
  2. Without your express consent or without a legal basis your personal data won’t passed on to third parties being outside the processing of contract. After carrying out the contract, your data are closed for the further use. After expiry of the commercial andtax law regulations, your data will be deleted, provided you didn’t expressly consented for further use.

§ 3 Web analysis with Google analyctis

This web page uses Google analyctis, a web analysis service by Google Inc. („Google“). Google analyctis uses so-called “Cookies“, text files, which will be saved on your computer and make it possible to analyse the use of the website through you. The information caused by the Cookie about your use of this web page, will usually be transmitted to the USA and stored on google servers. In this case, however, you use an ip-anomynization tool, Google will transfer your shorted ip-adress within the european union and other contract states, which are members of the European economic area. Only in exceptions , the full IP-address will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and there shortened. On behalf of the operator of this web page Google will use this information ,to evaluate your use of the web page, to arrange reports on the web page acivitiesand to furnish additional services for the owner of the web page in context with the use of the web page and internet usage. The IP-address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analyctis, isn´t brought together with other data by Google. You can prevent the storage of the Cookies by a corresponding attitude of your browser software; We suggest, in this case it could be possible, you aren’t able to use all parts of this web page to the full extent. You can further prevent the analyse, by the Cookies produced and on your use of the website based data ( incl. your IP-adress), by Google as well as the processing of this data through Google, by following the link and downloading the browser-plugin: LINK. This web page uses Google Analyctis with the expansions „anonymizeIP()”, so the IP-address will be shortened transmitted to exlude a direct assingment.

§ 4 Informations about Cookies

We use cookies to optimize our internet appearance. Cookies are little text files, being stored temporarily in the working memory of your computer. You can prevent the storage of cookies by choosing “blocking cookies” in your browser configurations.However, this can have an function restriction of our offer.

§ 5 Information

According to the Federal Data Protection Law, you have the right to get all information about your stored data free of charge as well as theright to correct, block or delete them. For example, you can contact us through this e-mail address:

§ 6 Use of social media plugins

Use of social plugins of Facebook and Google+

On our homepage, we use so-called social plugins (“plugins”) of the social networks Facebook and Google+. These services are offered by the enterprise Facebook Inc. und Google Inc.(Offerer).
Facebook is operated by the Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo
Alto, CA 94304, USA („Facebook“). Google is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre
Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google“).
Here, you can find a survey of the plugins and its appearance: bzw.

By connecting to our web pages, implementing such a plugin, your browser connects with the servers of Google or Facebook. The content of the plugin will be transmitted to your browser and embedded in the side directly by the respective supplier. Due to the plugins the suppliers receive the information. that you are visiting the appropriate side of our web appearance, even if tyou don´t have any profile on the corresponding social network or you aren´t logged in. This information (including your IP-address), is sent directly from your browser to a server of the respective supplier in the USA and will be stored.

If you are logged in at one of the social networks, the suppliers can immediately assign the visit of our website to your profile on Facebook or Google+. For example if you interact with the plugins “I like” or “+1”, the corresponding information is also transmitted to a server of the suppliers and stored. In addition, the information will be published to your contacts on the social network.

Please take the purpose and comprehensive of the data collection and the further processing by the suppliers as well as your rights and attitude possibilities for the protection of your privacy from the privacy alerts of the suppliers.

Privacy alerts of Facebook:

Privacy alerts of Google:

If you don’t want Google or Facebook to collect information about our web appearance and connect them to your profile on the respective social network, you must log off at the corresponding network before you visit our website.

You can prevent loading the Plugins completely with Add-Ons for your browser e.g. the Facebook Plugins with “Facebook-Blocker”(